Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Kids. Family. School. Friends. Work. Relationships. Bills. Fitness..and finally, Vacation! The list really can go on and on – we know! Things don’t always seem to become easier, so we usually find ourselves looking for ways to get some sort of pleasure out of the hectic lives that we live. Although, working out, having a bowl of ice cream, going shopping, or just doing something incredibly spontaneous can take our minds off what is current for a moment, we seem to end up exactly where we started – AT HOME. The place where reality sinks in time and time again, and our excitement comes to an end because it’s at that moment that we realize – nothing about our situation has really changed. We went out, had a good time, and spent some alone time and still…. in the same old environment. It sucks, I know. So, I recently got to thinking on this, and here’s what I was able to come up with: “C.O.S.I.T.O.L.” Now, this one can actually be pronounced out loud – but it also has meaning associated with it – so here goes: Change One Scene. Improve Tons of Lives! Creative, right?! – I’m kidding, anyone could have come up with that. Nonetheless, just think for a moment: “COSITOL” – Change One Scene. Improve Tons of Lives. This may appear to be unrelated to home decorating, but in actuality, it’s really not such a bad idea, when applied.

C.O.S.I.T.O.L. in Theory: 
For most individuals, outside of work, school, and in some cases, church, our homes are the where we spend the most of our time. If it isn’t, it is at least, a place wherein we eat, sleep, wake – up, and celebrate various occasions in – in most cases. Conversely, it can also be the place in our lives that receives the least amount of our attention. Most of the things that I mentioned at the beginning of this post take place outside of the home and have a significant impact on our perception and attitudes when we finally arrive at our last destination for the evening.

The Challenge: 
 Considering all that I have pointed out so far, I would like each of my readers to take on a challenge. I challenge you to pick any room in your home, or if you feel inspired, choose all of them. It could even be a closet if that’s an area that you would prefer to focus on (small, but still somehow still very significant to many home owners). Pick any room in your home, both large and small, and do something different – ChangeOne Scene/Space (C.O.S.). Whether you spend little time or a huge amount of time in your home, I don’t think many realize how much the environment and feel our homes truly make an impact on our lives. In fact, our environment is just one of the five factors that contribute to our happiness levels, in addition to chance events, social conditions, personality, and genetic predisposition.

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