Common Mistakes: Home Reno

At some point in life, each and every individual will either coordinate or experience some sort of renovation project. Whether it be for a home, office space, a new business, or even an educational institution, renovations seem to take place on a constant basis throughout our lives. If perhaps, the aforementioned examples do not appeal to one’s current situation, consider the amount of times that the roads and highways are reconstructed. Essentially, renovations tend to occur in various forms and allow for a common understanding of the elements that contribute to the renovation process. During this process, the role of an interior decorator is to concentrate on the aesthetics of a space. This entails activities such as pairing an open floor with complementary furniture and accents, creating a mood or an ambiance with lighting techniques; accompanied by wall art, and adding functionality to a current living space by offering up reorganization techniques. Moreover, although home renovations present great outcomes, there are several common mistakes that are made when choosing to embark upon a renovation project. The three common mistakes made by individuals when beginning a home renovation project, are setting an unrealistic budget, over – improving areas of the home, and underestimating the time it will take to complete the project. Due to the relevance of this topic in society, I feel that it is important to provide insights on the causes of these common mistakes and therefore bring about future changes in the future during the decision – making process.

To begin, one of the most common mistakes found during the home renovation process is the setting an unrealistic budget by the parties involved. In simple terms – Our eyes tend to be bigger than what our pockets are able to afford. I, for example, love new – shiny things and I always have. The downside of my preferences is the costs that are associated with new – shiny things. After all, it doesn’t cost anything to brainstorm about what we would like for our life to be like. Often times, I have found that our idea of what things should be like are usually inconsistent and completely unrelated to our current circumstances. Ladies, imagine for example, the characteristics and attributes of the perfect mate; gentleman, please do the same and imagine what your ideal mate would look or be like. Now, when each of you open your eyes, you will realize that what we imagine most times isn’t exactly replicated in our own lives, but it doesn’t cost much to dream. Similarly, when it comes to imagining the way that a home should be constructed, individuals tend to form an image or thought that in most cases, is not able to manifest itself in our current situations. In these situations, the things that are desired are simply out – of – reach, too expensive to actually acquire, or have an opportunity cost associated with it that we are most are commonly not in favor of. In the event that a renovation project begins, the costs associated with labor and purchasing materials tend to be much higher than what most are willing to bargain for. Frequently, this element of the renovation project creates inefficiency and discomfort for all that are engaged. In an effort to reduce these inefficiencies, I would suggest that one starts out by planning and researching in advance. It always helps to have an idea of the net costs of future plans. Next, I would encourage that one come up with primary and secondary ideas for living spaces. The primary design would serve as the blueprint for any ideal space. Next, the secondary design component consists of the cost – effective blueprint for an ideal living space. Lastly, although incredibly minuscule and simple to understand, start saving your pennies! I am aware that this may not be insightful at all, but it is the only thing that really makes home renovations possible. If you believe that you will want more, plan for more by saving MORE than you think you will need. Consider other alternatives to your decisions and always try to be open – minded.

Subsequently, the over – improvement of a space has become an increasingly common mistake in the home development process. Home renovations can take place throughout an entire home or just in one particular area of a home. In the fall of last year, my family and I chose to redesign our dining room. We made drastic changes to the space by painting the walls with a champagne, metallic – plaster and a plain coat of beige colored paint. We replaced the furniture, accent pieces, and wall art in the dining room. Although the finished product looked truly amazing, our newly developed dining room made the rest of our home look like a disgrace. We spent over $5,000 on designing the ding room to our specifications and ended up having to change nearly every other room within our home. The main problem of investing money into one room of the house is the inconsistency of ambiances felt between rooms. For example, walking into the dining room gives off an ambiance of walking into a royal palace, causing family and friends to be afraid of even sitting down in a chair. In contrast, in other parts of the home, the ambiance was very relaxed and family – oriented, meaning that anyone could essentially come in and sit anywhere without feeling discomforted. As in the example, the over – improvement of one area of the home can lead to other un – warranted inconsistencies between rooms in the home. I suggest that when making changes to your home, consider how the spaces will interact with one another and whether one home improvement will inadvertently influence another in the near future.

Finally, a third mistake that is made most times is the under – estimation of time that is required to complete a home renovation project. Simply put, most individuals that begin renovation projects have little to no experience with the various aspects of the field. As a result, there can be unrealistic conceptions of the amount of time that will typically be necessary. Renovation projects can take anywhere from 1 – 6 months, on average. In most instances, many individuals are not aware of what is typically required and the problems that can be encountered when taking things apart in a home. The best advice that I am able to offer is ensuring that the workers hired for the job are reliable, highly – skilled, and passionate about what they do. Additionally, I suggest that if at all possible, start the renovation process with lead time built in. meaning, try to plan for setbacks by simply planning and starting earlier. If neither of the suggestions offered are helpful, know that this process is rarely ever easy, so try to be as patient and cooperative as possible with the process.

In conclusion, I described several mistakes that are commonly made when undergoing a home renovation project. The three common mistakes made by individuals are setting an unrealistic budget, over – improving areas of the home, and underestimating the time it will take to complete the project. Although many other mistakes persist, the three mentioned above are some of the most common found by home improvement specialists today. Home renovation can be exciting and painful to deal with at the same time, but the end result of the project is so worthwhile. My hope is that after reading this post, my readers are able to make better informed decisions before going out and getting started right away. With a bit of additional planning and saving, I believe that the home improvement process will run more efficiently in the future.

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